Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Facebook reported that it’s building a large $1 billion data center in Ft. Worth, Texas. The facility is already being constructed and will be Facebook’s fifth data center. The data center will utilize wind power from a large wind farm that is also under construction on 17,000 acres of land in Clay County about 90 miles from the data center. This data center will be 100% powered by clean energy.

Presently, Facebook’s Iowa Data center is also being powered with energy from a nearby wind farm. Wind energy is the cheapest and most widely deployed form of clean energy around the world. One gigawatt is the equivalent to a large coal or natural gas plant. Facebook isn’t just focused on clean energy for its data centers, Facebook has also constructed its data centers in ways that make them very energy efficient. This was achieved by using outdoor air for cooling (instead of power hungry air conditioners), and also energy-efficient servers and facility designs.

This Facebook’s strategy is one of the few examples of an Internet company making use of clean power to run web services. Facebook will most likely purchase the wind power at a fixed low rate over several decades. If grid energy prices rise, this will help Facebook curb expenses on its energy bill. Facebook is also aiming to achieve a new goal of powering its operations with 50 percent renewable energy by the end of 2018. This data center will also utilize the latest OCP (Open Compute Project) technology, including Yosemite for compute and fabric, Wedge, and 6-pack at the network layer.

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